USP-800 titled Hazardous Drugs—Handling in Healthcare Settings is a new chapter proposed by the Compounding Expert Committee.
The purpose of the new proposed General Chapter is to provide standards to protect personnel and the environment when handling hazardous drugs. – USP Website
Once released, USP<800> will be synchronized with USP<797> Pharmaceutical Compounding – Sterile Preparations.
Highlights of Personal Protection Requirements:
- Only use gloves labeled as ASTM-tested chemo-rated gloves.
- Use powder-free gloves
- Avoid gloves with defects, pin-holes or weak spots.
- Wear two pairs of ASTM-tested gloves when compounding, administering, managing a spill, and disposing of Hazardous Drugs. For sterile preparations, only the outer glove shall be sterile. Wear the inner glove under the gown cuff and the outer glove over the cuff. Place gloves with long cuffs over the cuff of the gown to protect the wrist and forearm.
- Wear disposable gowns that have been tested to resist permeability by HDs and will protect the individual from contact of any HD’s.
- Wear garments that cover the head, sleeves, and shoes.
- Eye and face protection shall be worn when handling HD’s outside an engineering control.
The information above is a summary of Hazardous Drugs—Handling in Healthcare Settings – Briefing
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usp800 Compliant Chemo-Rated Sterile Gloves